
1 Samuel: Looking on the Heart is unavailable, but you can change that!

Davis brings cultural and historical color to the task of interpretation and adds a pastor’s heart for personal application. You will find a point of contact with the lives of Samuel, Saul, Jonathan and David as Davis answers the question, “What does God seek when he looks on the heart?” Davis presents a simple exposition of the literary and theological character of the text in a bright and...

her womb (v. 5b). The fact was enough; the aggravation was worse, especially when she was worshiping at Shiloh. Though it would not comfort Hannah, it helps us to remember that Hannah is not the first barren woman noted in Scripture. We remember Sarai/Sarah and how Genesis 11:30 (“Now Sarai continued barren; she had no child”) hangs like a dark cloud over the next ten chapters of Genesis. The mathematics of Genesis 25 (vv. 20–21, 26b) show that Rebekah had no children for the first twenty years of
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